Safety and Security

    All transactions and operations carried out through this service are highly secure. You are identified by your Mobile Number. You are allowed to make operations only on those bank accounts that are associated or tied up with your Mobile Number during your registration.
    Apart from that each operation is also secured either with a Mobile Pin (MPIN) or your Fingerprint i.e., you will be allowed to make transactions or operations in your accounts only if you send the request through your registered mobile Number with the correct PIN number or registered Fingerprint.
    All SMS originating from the Kumari Smart Mobile Banking Applications are encrypted while inside the operator’s network so your messages and MPIN cannot be sniffed even inside the operator’s network.

    Having said that like with all transaction delivery channels there are certain precautions that you need to take to make your Smart Mobile Banking experience even more secure. We suggest the following measures:

    • Please memorize the MPIN and delete the SMS with the MPIN you receive upon your successful registration with the service. Never leave the SMS in your inbox.
    • Do not leave your mobile unattended. Please ensure that your mobile's locking features have been enabled.
    • Immediately inform the bank to block your service if you lose your Mobile.
    • Always use Mobile Applications from the Banks official website.
    • Change your MPIN on a regular basis.
    • Do not reveal your MPIN to others.