Kumari Bank Limited has conducted an educational-material distribution programme to Shree Kamal Aadharbhut Madhyamik School. The Kamalpokhari-based community school, caters to the educational needs of underprivileged children (from the marginalized community), enrolled in Nursery upto the 8th grade. The said-activity was carried out to facilitate quality education of the said-students, igniting a beacon of hope among the young minds.
The said-activity, conducted as one of the Bank’s CSR initiatives towards facilitation of academic enlightenment of those young minds was concluded with the Bank’s Deputy CEO, Mr.Rajib Giri handing-over the educational materials to the school’s Principal, Mr. Maan Bahadur Khadka. Kumari Bank, under its CSR portfolio, with its persistent contributions to Health, Environment, Heritage and Educational sector has pledged to continually bring better and more impactful contributions to the society in the days ahead.