Kumari Bank provided support for development of Dynamic QR code generation on TVRS system for online payment of traffic violation. Metropolitan Traffic Police Department (MTPD) is currently using TVRS (Traffic Violation Record System) developed by Cyanic Technology Pvt. Ltd. wherein chit number, violation type and violator’s details are recorded. QR code module was developed and implemented in the existing TVRS system by the same company post Nepal Rastra Bank’s approval dated 2078-06-12 pertaining to collection of Traffic Violation fine through QR code in Bagmati, Gandaki and Karnali provinces. Currently, Kumari Bank is live in Bagmati Province.
MTPD is now an acquiring QR merchant of Kumari Bank which has facilitated customers to pay traffic rules violation fine instantly using Kumari Mobile Banking- Kumari Smart and through all FONEPAY network channels such as various mobile banking apps, e-sewa, IMEPAY, Khalti, etc. Payment made through QR is credited in Traffic Payment account maintained at the bank and at the same time is entered into Financial Comptroller General Office’s RMIS (Revenue Management Information System) via the system and payment is reflected in TVRS to release the document.